
Households with solar power are supported up to 9 million VND


“Program to promote the development of solar roof power in Vietnam in the period 2019 – 2025 including five components:
1) Formulating and completing policies and regulations to support the development of solar roof power in the direction of being ready to convert to market conditions
2) Develop a set of criteria for standards, testing and testing
3) Promote market conditions and pilot funding programs
4) Implement training programs and certify solar roof power
5) Building management information system and Communication strategy.
Department of Electricity and Renewable Energy – Ministry of Industry and Trade is assigned to lead the implementation, on the basis of integrating the program’s activities with technical assistance and development assistance projects of donors such as Chuong Vietnam Low Emission Energy Program (V-LEEP) of USAID, German Cooperation Organization GIZ, German Reconstruction Bank and EU Energy Assistance Program and World Bank.

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